
27 agosto 2015

Martin Garrix rompe con Spinnin' Records

A través de un comunicado en redes sociales el joven productor y dj Martin Garrix anunciaba ayer que debido a diferencias con MusicAllstar Management y el propio sello, Spinnin Records, sus contratos con estas entidades habían llegado a su fin.

El motivo principal que alega Garrix es relativo a la propiedad de los derechos sobre su música, los cuales pertenecen al sello y no al propio artista, debido a la imposibilidad de llegar a un acuerdo las relaciones entre ambas partes se han roto.

Veremos como evoluciona la situación y a través de que sello decide ahora lanzar sus valiosos temas el joven dj. 

Comunicado original:

"Due to rumours in the music industry I think it is necessary to inform everyone as follows.It is correct that I recently nullified/terminated my agreements with MusicAllstars Management B.V. and Spinnin Records B.V.
There was a difference of opinion between us regarding the reasonableness of the agreements. Although I enjoyed working with the Spinnin and MAS team, it was not possible to bridge our different views with MusicAllstars Management B.V. and Spinnin Records B.V.From the beginning of this year I tried to get back the ownership rights of my music from Spinnin Records and to keep my confidence in MAS. I am extremely disappointed that the discussions have not led to a change in the agreements or return of the ownership rights, and that is why I nullified them. 
With that, I close this chapter. I trust that everyone respects that I would like to leave this behind me and that I prefer not to discuss this any further.
I am working on new tracks and have an exciting new project so hopefully I can share good news with you during Amsterdam Dance Event.
Thanks so much for all your amazing support and hope to see you soon! 
Martijn Garritsen"

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Item Reviewed: Martin Garrix rompe con Spinnin' Records Description: Martin Garrix rompe con Spinnin Records Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Joaquin2805